Porcelain Veneers Farmington, NM
Composite & Porcelain Veneers
Thompson Dental Group is your Farmington porcelain veneer expert! If you’re wanting to improve your smile with cosmetic dentistry or looking to repair a chipped tooth, then veneers are a good treatment option. Both composite and porcelain veneers are a good for correcting minor cosmetic issues with your smile. Composite veneers are typically done chair side with our dentists and do not involve any return visits. These can give a great new look to any smile, but are typically a quicker fix with less longevity as composite veneers tend to last only a few years.

With porcelain veneers, you’re receiving “state of the art” treatment and long lasting smile restoration. The lifespan of porcelain veneers can last 7-10 years or even longer with proper oral hygiene and care. The difference between composite and porcelain means an extra visit or two to the office, as a lab technician is responsible for the creation of the veneer. Initial visit(s) to our dental office consist of a consultation to make sure that veneers are the best course of action, and then possible imaging to make sure you are getting the look you want. The outer front of the tooth would then be prepped for impressions and the doctor would perform some shade matching. We then send the impressions off to the lab for fabrication. Your final visit to our office would then consist of fitting and securing the veneer in place.
Minimal Prep vs. ''No-prep'' Veneers
The thin layer of enamel that is typically removed in preparation of veneers is typically referred to as minimal prep, as the tooth will need to be slightly adjusted for the veneer. Most applications will involve some sort of preparation, especially when there is a slight misalignment, chipping or cracking of the tooth. “No-prep” veneers can sometimes be used to fill slight gaps or spaces between teeth, but all treatments will be established on a case by case basis.
Benefits of Porcelain Veneers
- Porcelain is a very hard & solid material resistant to cracking & breakage
- Color matching and shading is easily matched to surrounding teeth or lightened for aesthetics
- Can last about 10x longer than composite veneers
More resistant to stains than composite